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These plants, funghi and insect illustrations
are part of my botanical oracle deck

Saxifraga paniculata | Saxifrage

Saxifraga paniculata, commonly known as the evergreen saxifrage, is a perennial plant in the Saxifragaceae family. It is native to Europe and is now naturalized in other parts of the world. Evergreen saxifrage is known for its dense basal rosette of leathery leaves and its clusters of small, white flowers.

Botanical Information:

Saxifraga paniculata is a low-growing, herbaceous perennial plant that is native to alpine regions of Europe and Asia. It produces clusters of small, white or pink flowers on long, slender stems that rise above the foliage. The leaves are small and round, and the plant is adapted to grow in harsh, rocky environments.

Magickal Properties

Evergreen saxifrage is associated with love, luck, and protection. It is also associated with the following magical properties:

  • Love: Saxifrage is associated with love and is often used in spells to attract love, enhance relationships, and promote self-love.

  • Luck: Evergreen saxifrage is associated with luck and is often used in spells to attract good luck and prosperity.

  • Protection: Saxifrage is also associated with protection and is often used in spells to ward off negativity and evil spirits.

Elemental Correspondences

  • Earth: Saxifrage is associated with the element of earth because of its roots and its connection to stability and grounding.

  • Water: Saxifrage is also associated with the element of water because of its leaves and its connection to emotions and intuition.

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences

  • Venus: Saxifrage is associated with Venus because of its association with love, beauty, and harmony.

  • Moon: Saxifrage is also associated with the moon because of its association with the feminine and the unconscious mind.

Associated Deitites and Traditions

  • Aphrodite: Saxifrage is associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure.

  • Luna: Saxifrage is also associated with Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon and women.

Uses in Rituals, Spellwork and Magic

Evergreen saxifrage can be used in a variety of rituals, spellwork, and magic. It can be used to attract love, enhance relationships, promote self-love, attract good luck, and ward off negativity and evil spirits.

Examples of Use

  • To attract love, add saxifrage to a love spell.

  • To enhance relationships, add evergreen saxifrage to a relationship spell or plac saxifrage on a relationship altar.

  • To promote self-love, meditate with saxifrage infused oil.

  • To attract good luck, add evergreen saxifrage to a luck spell or carry dried saxifrage in your pocket.

  • To ward off negativity and hardships, sprinkle dried saxifrage around your home or burn evergreen saxifrage incense.


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